Friday, December 11, 2009

My Crystal Ball for 2010

Real Estate in 2009 has been challenging, to say the least. Some Sellers have not been able to grasp the reality that their homes are worth less than they were 2 years ago, while a few Buyers have gone on a feeding frenzy, low-balling many homeowners until one bites. So what can we expect for 2010?

- Real Estate Agents will need to step up their game! The easy days of bidding wars, and quick mortgages are harder to come by. Agents will be armed with more facts, better market statistics, well researched comparables and unique selling concepts. Social Networking and Web based promotions will be new standard. Buyers will need to depend on relationships that are based on trust, competency and knowledge.

The Consumer - Buyers and Sellers will continue to educate themselves thorough various websites. While is still the most widely used Real Estate search site, Zillow, Trulia, YahooHomes, LuxuryHomes and are paving the way for more options and information. Top Realtors are not fearful of the ability of their clients to search and find information on the web. Most find an educated consumer a pleasure to work with, because they are both knowledgeable and realistic.

– A pre-approval letter from a Mortgage company is a formality. It basically states that based on the information that a consumer gave the bank, they would qualify for a loan. Buyers should be looking towards a Pre-Commitment – which actually involves a credit check, and filing all the necessary papers to obtain the actual loan. The loan is essentially sourced and underwritten. The only outstanding information would be the address of the property that one decides to purchase and an appraisal (that shouldn’t take more than a week from when it is ordered to when it is completed). This would make the waiting period substantially shorter, and allow a buyer to get all his paperwork in without the pressure and time crunch felt during the negotiating stage.

Social Networking – Buyers, Sellers and Realtors will communicate and through blogs, facebook, Linkedin and Twitter (to name a few) for the latest national and local information. Sources will be freely exchanged, while we’ll all be left to figure out which is fact and which is fiction!

Realistic Pricing ­ - Prices will stay in line with consumer demand. Sellers will either figure out that they cannot afford to sell for their home’s current value, or decide it is time to move on. Those trading up will of course make it up on the buying end anyway.

The end of 2009 has been filled with offers and closings. Brokers are feeling hopeful and excited for the coming year. Sellers and Buyers are knowledgeable and in many cases ready to embrace the changing market. 2010 promises to be better than the year before. Brokers will be more skilled pricing homes and buyers will be so well educated, they will be ready to react when the right home hits their radar.

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